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Andrés Esquivel

Backend Developer

About Me

I'm passionate about Backend development, always looking for new ways to apply technology. My main focus is turning complex requirements into solid and scalable infrastructures. I love tackling technical challenges and staying updated on the latest trends and technologies. Right now, I'm excitedly expanding my skills in fields like blockchain and artificial intelligence, aiming to integrate them into secure and adaptable backend solutions.

Work Experience

Senior Backend Developer - Tres Astronautas (March 2021 - present)

  • Development of web applications in Angular.
  • Development of microservices in NodeJS (NestJS).
  • Development of cloud functions (NestJS - Firebase).
  • Modeling and construction of databases in Postgresql, MongoDB, Firestore (Firebase).
  • Integration with services such as: Payu Latam, Payzen, Redcap, BigCommerce, Easypost, Authorized, Whereby, Wompi, Memberstack, Revenova, Office360, Escrow Pay, Quickbooks.
  • Unit testing with jest.
  • DevOps with Google Cloud.
  • DevOps with AWS.

Full Stack Engineer - Think In February 2019 - December 2023 (Project-Based - Goal-Oriented)

  • Development of microservices with NestJS and NATS
  • Development of REST APIs with NestJS (GraphQL)
  • Development of REST APIs with Laravel
  • Development of hybrid applications using Ionic Framework 6
  • Development of single-page applications (SPA) with Angular 12 and VueJS
  • Implementation of online payments using the PayU Latam, Wompi, Mercado Pago, and Coinbase APIs
  • Integration with the APIs of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Deployment of applications on the Play Store and Digital Ocean
  • Installation and configuration of web servers (hosting)
  • Configuration and management of applications in GSuite
  • Deployment and configuration of applications on Google Cloud (AppEngine and Kubernetes)
  • Development of IoT applications using the MQTT communication protocol and Arduino
  • Development of machine learning applications for facial recognition using TensorFlow

Full Stack Engineer - Wost Creative Solutions February 2020 - January 2022 (Project-Based - Goal-Oriented)

  • Development of microservices with NestJS and NATS
  • Development of SPA applications with Angular
  • Installation and configuration of web servers (hosting)
  • Development of IoT applications using the MQTT communication protocol and Arduino
  • Development of machine learning applications using TensorFlow
  • Development of hybrid applications using Ionic Framework 6


project name

Making Code

Making Code is the corner where I share my experiences and knowledge about technology, software development, cryptography, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and much more.


Web: MakingCode

project name

Microservices with NestJS and RabbitMQ

Implementation of microservices with NestJS and RabbitMQ, utilizing the microservices architecture for user and transaction management.

NestJS RabbitMQ MongoDB

Microservice - Users
Microservice - Transactions

project name

Microservice for notarizing documents with Algorand.

Implementation of a service responsible for notarizing documents using the Algorand blockchain.

NestJS Algorand MongoDB

Repository: Notarize documents with Algorand

project name

Encryption, Sorting, and Linear Algebra Algorithms

Implementation of various encryption methods covered in a cryptography course (RSA, Rabin, Hill, Vernam, Vigenère, Affine, Caesar), sorting algorithms, and linear algebra.

Python C++ Java

Publication: Sorting methods
Publication: Encryption algorithms
Publication: Linear algebra algorithms



Algorithms Design and Analysis Data Structures

A human being thinks and behaves as such following a logical sequence of actions. This same association could be coupled as far as the role of a computer is concerned.


Algorithms Java Design and Analysis Algebra

In computer science and mathematics, a sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list or vector in a sequence given by an order relation, that is, the output result must be a permutation or reordering of the input that satisfies the given order relation.


Algorithms Java Neural Networks Artificial Intelligence

An artificial neural network is a massively parallel distributed processor that has a natural tendency to store knowledge experimentally and make it available for use.